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An introduction to my blog

Hi there and welcome to my blog.

This blog will allow you to follow me on fieldwork (and the odd non-fieldwork) expeditions around the world. It will cover everything from life in the field, the methods of data/sample collection and the science behind the fieldwork, to planning fieldwork, raising the funds and processing samples/the data collected. I am in a very fortunate position in that my career is only just beginning - this allows me to ‘try my hand’ working on a number of projects from very different disciplines within the Earth Sciences – from glaciers to volcanoes! Which is great news for you guys following this blog as I’ll share with you information about a range of topics. This summer I have been busy on a variety of projects that have included some fieldwork; Skye (mapping), Barra (glaciation and cosmogenic dating) and Kenya (Structural geology, Geothermal and mapping volcanic deposits). Over the next couple of years my work will take me to many more great destinations including Iceland, Tanzania, Spain, Svalbard and potentially even Antarctica – and that is just the ones already in the planning. I would like to make this a very interactive blog and I welcome (in fact I would love) any questions, and I will do my very best to respond promptly to every question. Happy reading, Jenny

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